Take me to the Dreamland..

I am closing my eyes now;
Huge walls and
vast blue sky are the only sight which I can afford.
And the music which soft breeze offers.

Sitting idly and thinking about the days..
When dreams were clear even in the smoky haze.
In the long cold nights or
in hot summer days
or in the monsoon when the rain droplets subsumed my entire self.

I am closing my eyes now,
so that you can hold my hands.
Take me to the world of mystic mountains
and where are the river and the fountains.
And where the giant trees and the soft green bed of the nature lies.
And where everything has transcendental ties.

Where the imprints of the scented flowers etched in every path;
Where the creaky bridges tell me stories of the long lost past.
Where the dews are dripping from the leaves of the old trees,
and on the branches where birds weaves its nest and
looks like a golden chandelier.
Where the butterflies fly in a synchronous way,
and where the night is brighter than days.

Take me to the place where I can write and you can caress my hair.
Take me where I can laugh like a child,
and you can adore my face.
Take me to the place where I can put my head on your shoulder
and my sorrow falls when you embrace.

Take me to the world of stories
and the myths
and the legends.
Take me to the place where magic never ends.
Take me somewhere in my imagination
and to the place where I can build a fantasy land.

Now, I am closing my eyes again..
Don’t wake me up
Because right now huge walls and vast sky are the only place I can afford.

Where the darkness goes?

How it feels to see the last glance of the moon…
Before the day breaks in..
Slowly hiding itself inside an invisible cloak..
And you keep wondering where it goes.

A foggy sky..
And the dogs are howling..
Birds taking their first flight by chanting their melodious song..
And the tired watchman is crossing the road.

Slowly, the street lights are getting dimmer..
As if they had bid farewell to the night..
People are now out of their houses..
As if, they have to wage war against their plight.

Now everything is clear and visible.. Even the frightening shadows..
Darkness is slowly leaving its places, but you keep wondering where it goes.

Where the humans have gone..

I saw a bird resting on the balcony grill;
Twitching its neck right and left;
singing in the middle of the night and..
wondering where the humans have gone?

The bird was peeping inside the window,
and then flew to the other balcony,
sung again the melody which was an alien to my ears…
As if, the bird was calling its flock to sing along and wonder where the humans have gone?

The bird was desperate to witness the terror it felt all these years.
It was not ready to accept the sudden peace.
Then, the wind came and the bird flew with it..
They both were dancing and singing together;
swiftly swaying the leaves from the street..
And, played with the dust of the road.

While I can feel the desperation of silhouettes moving in the balcony of every house..
The bird and the wind were wondering..
Where the humans have gone!

Maybe, then things will change..

Maybe this is what we needed..
A halt in this life..
Silence in between the uproar.
Maybe this is what we wanted..
To spend an afternoon while watching the trees shedding their leaves,
And twirling its branches in a fine Spring afternoon.
But, this is different.

we all are here..
We are being quarantined from the world…
Caged in our own homes,
Afraid to even breathe in the same air.
It is terrifying.
Some of us are alone more than ever.
Watching sunrise and sunsets from the balcony..
And praying while one more day ends.

Maybe this phase was destined for all of us.
To find the lost compassion inside us.
To find ourselves more ever than before.
The whole world is praying and healing together..
More ever than before.

This time will restore our faith in the world we have..
this time we will feel closer without proximity.
This time we will find ourselves in between the distances.
Maybe, then things will change.